Lawn bowls is truly a sport for all, accessible to all ages and abilities. It offers a wonderful blend of sporting challenge and social activity, with differing levels of competition to suit your preference.
By its very nature, bowls creates and nurtures a wide social circle, which new bowlers can very quickly become part of. If that weren't enough, there are also the additional benefits to be gained from enjoying gentle exercise out in the open air.
Fixtures spread right across the week and across the playing season. Although well-suited to those enjoying their retirement, for those working full time there is a regular club evening on Wednesdays, as well as many weekend fixtures and club competitions to participate in.
April - September
Roll-ups are informal, friendly sessions where everybody that pitches up is guaranteed a game. Games may be arranged as pairs, triples or fours, as the numbers dictate, with teams drawn by lot. Usually played over 14 ends, it provides a good-natured, sociable game of around 2 hours duration. An 'umbrella' tournament adds a gentle competitive element, with a trophy awarded to the highest ranked bowler come the end of the season.
Monday | 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday | 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Friday | 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
If you fancy giving bowls a try then roll-up sessions will be the way to get started. Get in touch and we will arrange an introduction session with one of our coaches. They will guide you through the basics and get you set up for a game. Once you are familiar with the basics, simply turn up to a roll-up session quarter of an hour before the advertised start time and introduce yourself to whoever happens to be nearest. Just remember to wear or bring some flat-soled shoes!
October - March
Short mat is an indoor variant of bowls played on a significantly shorter length rink within the confines of the clubhouse. Games are typically arranged as fours with teams drawn by lot. Usually played over 6 ends, it provides good-natured, shorter format games. Typically, each person will play two games during an afternoon session. Several competitions and a season-spanning 'umbrella' give the chance to compete for a place on the honours board!
Wednesday | 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Friday | 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
As with outdoor bowls, if you fancy giving short mat a try then come along to a roll-up session. Come to the clubhouse half an hour before the advertised start time and say hello. Remember to bring some clean, flat-soled shoes.